connect 2 something real

don't worry, you can text again soon

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reboot your Brain

Todays Huffington Post really nails what this blog is all about: our brains need time to refresh and recharge in order to problem solve. Unplugging allows our brain and body to relax, making it easier to handle the stress in our daily lives. Author Srinvasan Pallay doesnt mention specific ways, it's really up to the individual to figure out what works for them. As a Mom of three rowdy boys, here are a few things I've done with my kids this past week:
playing board games/puzzles
building a fort in the backyard
working in the garden
taking a nature walk
building a sandcastle on the beach
taking a bike ride
shop for/make/eat dinner together
picking up trash/cleaning a local public school
visit an elderly neighbor(who has time for that?)

Only recently have I slowed down long enough to even notice that my overly-complicated schedule and all of my multi-tasking has seriously damaged my family. It hit home to me when I overheard someone say "I've got hurry!" I was curious: who is this person? They must be from out of town...I hadnt heard anyone say that for such a long time and I was completely jealous. I want that, I need that...for myself, for my family.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Unplugged Idea: Floor Time

There's no quicker way to get "grounded" than just sitting down...get yourself some floor time today whether it's on a yoga mat, a grassy park or your kitchen floor!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Slow it down: In Memory of Julia Seigler

Slowing it down is what The Unplugged Project is
all about. I won't try to say it better than my friend Betsy Brown Braun's Hurry Up and Slow Down. We're all in such a hurry and we've forced this hurried pace on our kids. Take some time this weekend to unplug and say a prayer for Julia's family.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Would MLK Twitter?

Dr. Martin Luther King used any means available to get his message of peace and equality out there. If he were alive now I'm sure he would have a rockin' Facebook fan page and be Twittering too. On December 21, 1956, he might have tweeted "U.S. Supreme Court rules segregation is unconstitutional, now get on that bus and sit where you want!"
By speaking the way he did, he educated and inspired people throughout the World and unborn generations, all without the use of a cell phone or any social media!
In honor of MLK's birthday and all of his accomplishments you get a day off school Monday. What are you going to do? Be a part of the Martin Luther King Day of Service by joining an organized service project in your area or help fill a need yourself—by helping out a friend or family member who needs some help.
Post your ideas here!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Unplugged Project

First of all I need to tell you this is not an intervention for kids(or grown-ups) who have become attached to electronic gadgets. The idea behind The Unplugged Project is simply this: an experience per day done without the use of texting, emailing or phone calls until the experience it complete.Doing simple things can be relaxing and fun in such a hectic world. Even if you think it sounds super boring, you may be surprised at the end. I would love to hear some of your ideas for The Unplugged Project. I will post them for others to try!

Let's get started.

Here are a few ideas:
Sit still for 10 minutes. Eyes open...what's going on around you? What do you see? Each time you think about your homework or your BFF stop yourself: clear your mind and just listen. What do you hear? You can move your head and body around but try to stay in the same spot. It's harder than you think since we're so contintioned to go-go-go all the time. Outside works best for this.NOTE: this is great for older kids, littles may need some guidance here or reduced time.
Write a letter to someone (on paper) and walk it to a big blue mailbox.We don't need to in 2010 when even your Great-Grandma is checking her email and facebook messages! Believe me she only got a facebook account to stay in touch with you, an actual letter would make her day! Do you even know where the big blue mailbox is in your neighborhood?
Try making your favorite food from scratch. Even if it's chicken strips or pizza, we never do this either since it's so easy to get stuff already made or drive-thru. It's cool to know what you're eating and fresh stuff always tastes better anyway. NOTE: No cereal or toast. May need grown-up for cooking part. No microwaving allowed.
Watch a silent movie. I suggest a comedy if you've never watched one. Make yourself some popcorn, sit back and enjoy! No computers screens please, only on a TV screens. NOTE: Must be of the black and white variety and not just the latest Michael Bay movie on mute.

Please don't cut corners or cheat, it only takes away from the experience. I would love to hear some of your ideas for The Unplugged Project. I will post them for others to try! Have fun.

You can plug back in now!